Everyone is welcome.
If you are new to development you can start working on smaller tasks, testing and documentation in any open-source project you would like to work on. Experienced developers can learn together with other experienced developers and their senior mentor. Mentoring new developers will give experienced developers a much better understanding of working professionally as a team, therefore having a team with diverse backgrounds and skills is an advantage for all team members.
Social activities
Working professionally in an IT-team, you need both social and some language skills. Our event manager can help you with ideas for shared member events, where you can attend online or in person, to include all members.
Our mentors will start each weekly meetup, with social conversation about the last week in Danish, but all dialog on professional topics are in English.
Social activities can be anything from cooking together or playing games together, while talking in Danish. You could go to an art museum, where members that can’t leave their home, can attend on a video conference.
If you want to start a local community group we can support you in starting a local branch of the Butterflies association.
Personal development
Our personal coach can help you with advice on life style changes, that will help you succeed in life and work relations. You can talk to some of our volunteer members, that perhaps have experienced the same life challenges that you are going through, to learn from your peers how they succeeded in life.
Finding your own motivation and curiosity to learn is essential to become the best IT-professional you can, because working in IT in a continuous learning process. You will only face major paradigm changes every decade, but you need to be curious about learning new skills all the time.